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a(URI) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
a(URI, String) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
a(URI, Node) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
AbstractDataSource - Class in ball.activation
Abstract base class for DataSource implementations.
AbstractDataSource() - Constructor for class ball.activation.AbstractDataSource
AbstractProcessor - Class in ball.annotation.processing
AbstractProcessor() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor
AbstractProcessor.Check<T extends Element> - Class in ball.annotation.processing
Abstract AbstractProcessor.Check base class.
AbstractProcessor.Criterion<T extends Element> - Class in ball.annotation.processing
Abstract AbstractProcessor.Criterion base class.
AbstractTableModelImpl - Class in ball.swing.table
AbstractTableModel implementation.
AbstractTableModelImpl(int) - Constructor for class ball.swing.table.AbstractTableModelImpl
Construct a TableModel with the specified number of columns.
AbstractTableModelImpl(String...) - Constructor for class ball.swing.table.AbstractTableModelImpl
Construct a TableModel with the specified column names.
AbstractTaskListener - Class in ball.tools.javac
Abstract base class for TaskListener implementations.
AbstractTaskListener() - Constructor for class ball.tools.javac.AbstractTaskListener
add(Stream<Node>) - Method in interface ball.xml.FluentDocument
add(Stream<Node>) - Method in interface ball.xml.FluentNode
Method to add Nodes to this FluentNode.
add(Node...) - Method in interface ball.xml.FluentDocument
add(Node...) - Method in interface ball.xml.FluentNode
Method to add Nodes to this FluentNode.
addConfiguredArgument(TypedAttributeType) - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.InstanceOfTask
addTableModelListener(TableModelListener) - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
addText(String) - Method in class ball.util.ant.types.OptionalTextType
addText(String) - Method in class ball.util.ant.types.StringValueType
AnnotatedAntTask - Interface in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
Interface indicating Task is annotated with AntTask and related annotations.
AnnotatedAntTaskConfigurationChecker - Class in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
TaskConfigurationChecker implmentation to check AnnotatedAntTask annotations.
AnnotatedAntTaskConfigurationChecker(Task) - Constructor for class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.AnnotatedAntTaskConfigurationChecker
Sole constructor.
AnnotatedJavacPlugin - Class in ball.tools.javac
Abstract base class for Plugin implementations.
AnnotatedJavacPlugin() - Constructor for class ball.tools.javac.AnnotatedJavacPlugin
AnnotatedNoAnnotationProcessor - Class in ball.annotation.processing
Abstract Processor base class for processing "no" Annotation ("*").
AnnotatedNoAnnotationProcessor() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.AnnotatedNoAnnotationProcessor
AnnotatedProcessor - Class in ball.annotation.processing
Abstract Processor base class for processing Annotations specified by @For.
AnnotatedProcessor() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.AnnotatedProcessor
AnnotationValueMustConvertTo - Annotation Type in ball.annotation.processing
Annotation to test an Annotation can be converted to a specified Class.
AnnotationValueMustConvertTo.ProcessorImpl - Class in ball.annotation.processing
Processor implementation.
AntLib - Annotation Type in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
Annotation to mark a Package where a corresponding antlib.xml descriptor should be generated.
AntLibProcessor - Class in ball.annotation.processing
Generates antlib.xml (at location(s) specified by AntLib) at the end of annotation processing.
AntLibProcessor() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.AntLibProcessor
AntTask - Annotation Type in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
Annotation to mark Ant Tasks.
AntTaskAttributeConstraint - Annotation Type in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
JSR303-inspired Ant Task attribute constraint annotation.
AntTaskAttributeConstraint.Checker - Class in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
AntTaskAttributeConstraintProcessor - Class in ball.annotation.processing
AntTaskAttributeConstraintProcessor() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.AntTaskAttributeConstraintProcessor
AntTaskLogMethods - Interface in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
Interface to provide common default logging methods for Tasks.
AntTaskMixIn - Interface in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
Marker interface to indicate sub-interfaces should only be implemented by a Task.
AntTaskMixInProcessor - Class in ball.annotation.processing
Processor implementation to verify concrete implementations of AntTaskMixIn are also subclasses of Task.
AntTaskMixInProcessor() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.AntTaskMixInProcessor
AntTaskProcessor - Class in ball.annotation.processing
Processor implementation to check Classes annotated with AntTask: Are an instance of Task, Concrete, and Have a public no-argument constructor
AntTaskProcessor() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.AntTaskProcessor
APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM - Static variable in interface ball.activation.DataSourceDefaultMethods
RFC2045 "application/octet-stream"
APPLICATION_XML - Static variable in interface ball.activation.DataSourceDefaultMethods
RFC3023 "application/xml"
apply(Member, Object...) - Method in class ball.util.Factory
Method to apply a factory Member (factory Method, static Method, or Constructor) to manufacture or get an Object.
ArrayListTableModel<R> - Class in ball.swing.table
Abstract base class for TableModel implementations based on an ArrayList.
ArrayListTableModel(Iterable<? extends R>, int) - Constructor for class ball.swing.table.ArrayListTableModel
ArrayListTableModel(Iterable<? extends R>, String...) - Constructor for class ball.swing.table.ArrayListTableModel
asBoxedType(Class<?>) - Static method in class ball.lang.PrimitiveTypeMap
Static method to get the "boxed" Class for a Java primitive Class.
asClass(TypeElement) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
Method to get the Class corresponding to a TypeElement.
asExecutableElement(Constructor<?>) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
Method to get a ExecutableElement for a Constructor.
asExecutableElement(Method) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
Method to get a ExecutableElement for a Method.
asList() - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
Method to get this CoordinateMap values as a List.
asModifierSet(int) - Method in interface ball.lang.reflect.JavaLangReflectMethods
Method to translate Class and Member Modifier flags to an EnumSet of Modifiers.
asPackageInfoClass(PackageElement) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
Method to get the package-info.class (Class) corresponding to a PackageElement.
asPoint() - Method in class ball.util.Coordinate
Method to translate this Coordinate to a Point2D.
asStream(NodeList) - Method in interface ball.xml.XMLServices
Convert a NodeList to a Stream.
asTypeElement(Class<?>) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
Method to get a TypeElement for a Class.
asTypeMirror(Class<?>) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
Method to get a TypeMirror for a Class.
asTypeMirrorList(Class<?>...) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
Method to get a List of TypeMirrors for an array of Classes.
asVariableElement(Field) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
Method to get a VariableElement for a Field.
attr(String) - Method in interface ball.xml.FluentNode
Create an Attr Node.
attr(String) - Method in interface ball.xml.XMLServices
attr(String, String) - Method in interface ball.xml.FluentNode
Create an Attr Node.
attr(String, String) - Method in interface ball.xml.XMLServices
attrNS(String, String) - Method in interface ball.xml.FluentNode
Create an Attr Node.
attrNS(String, String, String) - Method in interface ball.xml.FluentNode
Create an Attr Node.


b(String) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
b(Node) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
ball.activation - package ball.activation
Provides DataSource (and other javax.activation) implementation classes.
ball.annotation - package ball.annotation
Provides Annotation implementation classes.
ball.annotation.processing - package ball.annotation.processing
Provides Processor implementation classes.
ball.beans - package ball.beans
ball.io - package ball.io
See java.io.
ball.lang - package ball.lang
ball.lang.reflect - package ball.lang.reflect
ball.swing - package ball.swing
javax.swing implementation classes.
ball.swing.table - package ball.swing.table
javax.swing.table implementation classes.
ball.text - package ball.text
Provides implementation classes for handling text.
ball.tools - package ball.tools
Provides javax.tools support classes.
ball.tools.javac - package ball.tools.javac
Provides javac plug-ins.
ball.util - package ball.util
ball.util.ant - package ball.util.ant
ball.util.ant.taskdefs - package ball.util.ant.taskdefs
ball.util.ant.types - package ball.util.ant.types
ball.util.stream - package ball.util.stream
ball.xml - package ball.xml
Classes for XML processing.
BeanInfoFor() - Constructor for class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.TypeTask.BeanInfoFor
binomial(long, long) - Static method in class ball.util.DispatchSpliterator
Method to count the number of combinations of k-size that may be chosen from a set of n-size (binomial coefficient).
binomial(long, long, long) - Static method in class ball.util.DispatchSpliterator
Method to count the number of combinations of [k0,kN] size that may be chosen from a set of n-size (binomial coefficient).
BOMCharsetMap - Class in ball.io
Byte order mark to Charset Map implementation.
BOMCharsetMap() - Constructor for class ball.io.BOMCharsetMap
Sole constructor.
Builder() - Constructor for class ball.xml.FluentDocument.Builder
ByteArrayDataSource - Class in ball.activation
ByteArrayDataSource(String, String) - Constructor for class ball.activation.ByteArrayDataSource


caption(String) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
cdata(String) - Method in interface ball.xml.FluentNode
Create a CDATASection Node.
cdata(String) - Method in interface ball.xml.XMLServices
CharSequenceReader - Class in ball.io
CharSequence Reader implementation.
CharSequenceReader(CharSequence) - Constructor for class ball.io.CharSequenceReader
Sole constructor.
CHARSET - Static variable in class ball.activation.ReaderWriterDataSource
CHARSET - Static variable in class ball.util.PropertiesImpl
check(Task, TaskConfigurationChecker, String, Object) - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.AntTaskAttributeConstraint.Checker
Method to validate an attribute value.
check(Task, TaskConfigurationChecker, String, Object) - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.NotEmpty.Checker
check(Task, TaskConfigurationChecker, String, Object) - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.NotNull.Checker
Check() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor.Check
Checker() - Constructor for class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.AntTaskAttributeConstraint.Checker
Checker() - Constructor for class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.NotEmpty.Checker
Checker() - Constructor for class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.NotNull.Checker
checks - Variable in class ball.annotation.processing.AnnotatedNoAnnotationProcessor
ClassFileProcessor - Interface in ball.annotation.processing
Interface to provide an alternate entry point for annotation processing on compiled class files.
ClassFileProcessorProcessor - Class in ball.annotation.processing
Processor implementation to verify concrete implementations of ClassFileProcessor are also subclasses of AnnotatedProcessor.
ClassFileProcessorProcessor() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.ClassFileProcessorProcessor
ClasspathDelegateAntTask - Interface in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
Interface to provide common default methods for Tasks that implement the syntax described in ClasspathUtils.Delegate.
clear() - Method in class ball.activation.ByteArrayDataSource
clear() - Method in interface ball.activation.DataSourceDefaultMethods
Method to clear the DataSource and discard any input on any open DataSourceDefaultMethods.getOutputStream().
clear() - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
clear() - Method in class ball.util.MapView
closedFuture() - Method in class ball.swing.ClosedFutureJFrame
Method to get Future indicating when this JFrame is closed.
ClosedFutureJFrame - Class in ball.swing
JFrame implementation that provides a Future indicating when the JFrame is closed (or made invisible).
ClosedFutureJFrame(String) - Constructor for class ball.swing.ClosedFutureJFrame
Sole constructor.
code(boolean) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
code(String) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
column(int) - Method in class ball.swing.table.AbstractTableModelImpl
Convenience method to get a column's values as an array.
column(Number) - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
Method to get the List representing the specified column backed by the CoordinateMap.
columns() - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
Method to get a List of columns (see CoordinateMap.column(Number)).
Combinations<T> - Interface in ball.util.stream
Stream implementaion that provides all combinations of a List.
Combinations.SpliteratorSupplier<T> - Class in ball.util.stream
CombinationsTask - Class in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
Abstract Ant Task to analyze Combinations of a Collection.
CombinationsTask() - Constructor for class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.CombinationsTask
CombinationsTask.Count - Class in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
CombinationsTask.Of - Class in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
Ant Task to show the Combinations.
comment(String) - Method in interface ball.xml.FluentNode
Create a Comment Node.
comment(String) - Method in interface ball.xml.XMLServices
comparator() - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
Comparators - Class in ball.util
compare(T, T) - Method in class ball.util.ListOrderComparator
compareTo(Coordinate) - Method in class ball.util.Coordinate
CompileTimeCheck - Annotation Type in ball.annotation
Annotation to indicate the initializer should be checked at compile-time.
CompileTimeCheckProcessor - Class in ball.annotation.processing
CompileTimeCheckProcessor() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.CompileTimeCheckProcessor
ConfigurableAntTask - Interface in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
Provides default Task.init() method to initialize Task attributes from project properties.
configure() - Method in interface ball.util.ant.taskdefs.ConfigurableAntTask
Default method to configure Task attributes.
configure(Object) - Method in class ball.util.PropertiesImpl
Method to configure an Object properties with values in this PropertiesImpl.
configure(Properties, Object) - Static method in class ball.util.PropertiesImpl
ConstantValueMustConvertTo - Annotation Type in ball.annotation
Annotation to specify a field constant expression must convert to the specified type.
ConstantValueMustConvertToProcessor - Class in ball.annotation.processing
Processor implementation to verify constant initializers marked by the ConstantValueMustConvertTo can be converted to the specified type.
ConstantValueMustConvertToProcessor() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.ConstantValueMustConvertToProcessor
ConstructorPropertiesProcessor - Class in ball.annotation.processing
Processor implementation to verify ConstructorProperties annotation are actual bean properties of the Constructor's Class.
ConstructorPropertiesProcessor() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.ConstructorPropertiesProcessor
containsKey(Number, Number) - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
content() - Method in interface ball.xml.FluentNode
content(String) - Method in interface ball.xml.FluentNode
CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in interface ball.activation.DataSourceDefaultMethods
RFC2045 "Content-Type"
Converter - Class in ball.util
Conversion utility based on Factory.
convertTo(Object, Class<?>) - Static method in class ball.util.Converter
Static method to convert the argument to the specified type (Class).
Coordinate - Class in ball.util
X-Y coordinate representation.
Coordinate(Number, Number) - Constructor for class ball.util.Coordinate
CoordinateMap<V> - Class in ball.util
Coordinate Map implementation.
CoordinateMap() - Constructor for class ball.util.CoordinateMap
Constructor to create an empty CoordinateMap.
CoordinateMap(Number, Number) - Constructor for class ball.util.CoordinateMap
Constructor to specify maximum Y and X (origin (0, 0)).
CoordinateMap(Number, Number, Number, Number) - Constructor for class ball.util.CoordinateMap
Constructor to specify minimum and maximum Y and X.
Count() - Constructor for class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.CombinationsTask.Count
Count() - Constructor for class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.PermutationsTask.Count
createClasspath() - Method in interface ball.util.ant.taskdefs.ClasspathDelegateAntTask
createSrc() - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.ProcessClassFilesTask
criteria - Variable in class ball.annotation.processing.AnnotatedNoAnnotationProcessor
Criterion() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor.Criterion


DataSourceDefaultMethods - Interface in ball.activation
DataSource default method implementations.
declaration(int, Method) - Method in interface ball.lang.reflect.JavaLangReflectMethods
Method to generate a Method declaration.
declaration(int, Type, Method) - Method in interface ball.lang.reflect.JavaLangReflectMethods
Method to generate a Method declaration.
declaration(int, String, Method) - Method in interface ball.lang.reflect.JavaLangReflectMethods
Method to generate a Method declaration.
declaration(Constructor<?>) - Method in interface ball.lang.reflect.JavaLangReflectMethods
Method to generate a Constructor declaration.
declaration(Field) - Method in interface ball.lang.reflect.JavaLangReflectMethods
Method to generate a Field declaration.
declaration(Member) - Method in interface ball.lang.reflect.JavaLangReflectMethods
declaration(Method) - Method in interface ball.lang.reflect.JavaLangReflectMethods
Method to generate a Method declaration.
declaration(Parameter) - Method in interface ball.lang.reflect.JavaLangReflectMethods
Method to generate a Parameter declaration.
DefaultInterfaceMethodInvocationHandler - Interface in ball.lang.reflect
Java 8 implementation of InvocationHandler.invoke(Object,Method,Object[]) to invoke an interface default method.
DefaultInvocationHandler - Class in ball.lang.reflect
Default InvocationHandler implementation.
DefaultInvocationHandler() - Constructor for class ball.lang.reflect.DefaultInvocationHandler
delegate() - Method in interface ball.util.ant.taskdefs.ClasspathDelegateAntTask
Required state for implementing Tasks.
delegate(ClasspathUtils.Delegate) - Method in interface ball.util.ant.taskdefs.ClasspathDelegateAntTask
Required state for implementing Tasks.
DispatchSpliterator<T> - Class in ball.util
Spliterator abstract base class that dispatches to Spliterators supplied through an Spliterator of Spliterator Suppliers.
DispatchSpliterator(long, int) - Constructor for class ball.util.DispatchSpliterator
div(Stream<Node>) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
div(Node...) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
document() - Method in interface ball.xml.XMLServices


element(String, Stream<Node>) - Method in interface ball.xml.FluentNode
Create an Element Node.
element(String, Stream<Node>) - Method in interface ball.xml.XMLServices
element(String, Node...) - Method in interface ball.xml.FluentNode
Create an Element Node.
element(String, Node...) - Method in interface ball.xml.XMLServices
ELEMENT_KINDS - Static variable in annotation type ball.annotation.processing.ForSubclassesOf
ElementKind subset if ForElementKinds is specified.
elementNS(String, String, Stream<Node>) - Method in interface ball.xml.FluentNode
Create an Element Node.
elementNS(String, String, Node...) - Method in interface ball.xml.FluentNode
Create an Element Node.
elements - Variable in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
enhance(Object) - Method in class ball.lang.reflect.FacadeProxyInvocationHandler
Method to return an extended Proxy implementing "facade" interfaces for in if FacadeProxyInvocationHandler.getProxyClassFor(Object) returns non-null.
entrySet - Variable in class ball.util.MapView
entrySet() - Method in class ball.util.MapView
Method returns a single Set backed by MapView.map().
EntrySet() - Constructor for class ball.util.MapView.EntrySet
Sole constructor.
EnumLookupMap - Class in ball.util
SortedMap implementation which provides String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER look-up by name to the corresponding Enum.
EnumLookupMap(Class<? extends Enum<?>>...) - Constructor for class ball.util.EnumLookupMap
Sole constructor.
equals(Object) - Method in class ball.util.Coordinate
exceptions(Type[]) - Method in interface ball.lang.reflect.JavaLangReflectMethods
Method to generate a Constructor or Method thrown exception list.
execute() - Method in interface ball.util.ant.taskdefs.AnnotatedAntTask
Default implementation for Task subclasses.
execute() - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.CombinationsTask.Count
execute() - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.CombinationsTask.Of
execute() - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.InstanceOfTask
execute() - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.PatternTask
execute() - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.PatternTask.Matches
execute() - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.PatternTask.Split
execute() - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.PermutationsTask.Count
execute() - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.PermutationsTask.Of
execute() - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.PreferencesTask
execute() - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.PreferencesTask.Export
execute() - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.ProcessClassFilesTask
execute() - Method in interface ball.util.ant.taskdefs.PropertySetterAntTask
execute() - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.StreamTokenizerTask
execute() - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.StreamTokenizerTask.FromString
execute() - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.TypeTask.BeanInfoFor
execute() - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.TypeTask
execute() - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.TypeTask.IsAssignableFrom
execute() - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.TypeTask.MembersOf
execute() - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.TypeTask.ResourcePathTo
execute() - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.TypeTask.SuperclassesOf
execute() - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.XPathEvaluateTask
Export() - Constructor for class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.PreferencesTask.Export


FacadeProxyInvocationHandler - Class in ball.lang.reflect
InvocationHandler abstract base class to "extend" concrete implementation Classes by adding "facade" interfaces.
FacadeProxyInvocationHandler() - Constructor for class ball.lang.reflect.FacadeProxyInvocationHandler
Factory<T> - Class in ball.util
Factory base class.
Factory(Class<? extends T>) - Constructor for class ball.util.Factory
Sole public constructor.
Factory(Class<? extends T>, Object) - Constructor for class ball.util.Factory
Construct a Factory by wrapping a factory instance.
filer - Variable in class ball.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor
FilterDataSource - Class in ball.activation
Abstract DataSource base class that wraps another DataSource.
FilterDataSource(DataSource) - Constructor for class ball.activation.FilterDataSource
finished(TaskEvent) - Method in class ball.tools.javac.AbstractTaskListener
fireTableCellUpdated(int, int) - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
fireTableChanged(TableModelEvent) - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
fireTableDataChanged() - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
fireTableRowsDeleted(int, int) - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
fireTableRowsInserted(int, int) - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
fireTableRowsUpdated(int, int) - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
fireTableStructureChanged() - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
firstKey() - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
FluentDocument - Interface in ball.xml
Fluent Document interface.
FluentDocument.Builder - Class in ball.xml
FluentDocumentBuilderFactory - Class in ball.xml
FluentDocumentBuilderFactory() - Constructor for class ball.xml.FluentDocumentBuilderFactory
Sole public constructor.
FluentNode - Interface in ball.xml
Fluent Node interface Note: This interface is an implementation detail of FluentDocument.Builder and should not be implemented or extended directly.
FluentNode.InvocationHandler - Class in ball.xml
fm - Variable in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
JavacTask JavaFileManager instance.
For - Annotation Type in ball.annotation.processing
For.ProcessorImpl - Class in ball.annotation.processing
Processor implementation.
ForElementKinds - Annotation Type in ball.annotation.processing
ForElementKinds.ProcessorImpl - Class in ball.annotation.processing
Processor implementation.
ForSubclassesOf - Annotation Type in ball.annotation.processing
ForSubclassesOf.ProcessorImpl - Class in ball.annotation.processing
Processor implementation.
fragment(Stream<Node>) - Method in interface ball.xml.FluentNode
fragment(Stream<Node>) - Method in interface ball.xml.XMLServices
fragment(Node...) - Method in interface ball.xml.FluentNode
fragment(Node...) - Method in interface ball.xml.XMLServices
FromString() - Constructor for class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.StreamTokenizerTask.FromString


get() - Method in class ball.util.stream.Combinations.SpliteratorSupplier
get(Number, Number) - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
get(Object) - Method in class ball.util.Factory
get(Object) - Method in class ball.util.MapView
GET - ball.beans.PropertyMethodEnum
getAnnotationMirror(Element, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
Method to get an Element's AnnotationMirror.
getAnnotationMirror(Element, TypeElement) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
Method to get an Element's AnnotationMirror.
getAnnotationValue(AnnotationMirror, String) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
Method to get an AnnotationMirror element's AnnotationValue.
getAntTaskName() - Method in interface ball.util.ant.taskdefs.AnnotatedAntTask
Method to get AntTask.value().
getArgumentList() - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.InstanceOfTask
getAttribute(String) - Method in class ball.xml.FluentDocumentBuilderFactory
getBufferedReader() - Method in class ball.activation.ReaderWriterDataSource
Method to return a new BufferedReader to read the underlying InputStream.
getCharset() - Method in class ball.activation.ReaderWriterDataSource
Method to get the Charset used to create the BufferedReader and PrintWriter.
getClassForName(String) - Method in interface ball.util.ant.taskdefs.ClasspathDelegateAntTask
Method to get the Class associated with the argument name using the ClassLoader provided by ClasspathDelegateAntTask.getClassLoader().
getClassLoader() - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
Method to get the ClassLoader for loading dependencies.
getClassLoader() - Method in interface ball.util.ant.taskdefs.ClasspathDelegateAntTask
Method to get the AntClassLoader specified by this Task.
getClassPathClassLoader(JavaFileManager) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
getClassPathClassLoader(JavaFileManager, ClassLoader) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class ball.swing.table.AbstractTableModelImpl
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
getColumnCount() - Method in class ball.swing.table.AbstractTableModelImpl
getColumnCount() - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
getColumnName(int) - Method in class ball.swing.table.AbstractTableModelImpl
getColumnName(int) - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
getCompletions(Element, AnnotationMirror, ExecutableElement, String) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor
getConstructor(TypeElement, List<TypeMirror>) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
Constructor to get an ExecutableElement for a Class Constructor by parameter list.
getContentType() - Method in class ball.activation.AbstractDataSource
getContentType() - Method in class ball.activation.FilterDataSource
getDataSource() - Method in class ball.activation.FilterDataSource
Method to get the filtered DataSource.
getDOMImplementation() - Method in class ball.xml.FluentDocument.Builder
getEnclosingTypeElement(Element) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
Method to get the enclosing TypeElement for an Element.
getFactory() - Method in class ball.util.Factory
Method to get the underlying factory Object.
getFactoryMethod(Class<?>...) - Method in class ball.util.Factory
Method to get a factory Member (factory Method, static Method, or Constructor) to manufacture or get an Object.
getFeature(String) - Method in class ball.xml.FluentDocumentBuilderFactory
getForElementKinds() - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.AnnotatedNoAnnotationProcessor
getForSubclassesOf() - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.AnnotatedNoAnnotationProcessor
getIf() - Method in class ball.util.ant.types.OptionalTextType
getImplementedInterfacesOf(Class<?>, Class<?>...) - Method in class ball.lang.reflect.DefaultInvocationHandler
Method available to subclass implementations to get the implemented interfaces of the argument types.
getInputStream() - Method in class ball.activation.ByteArrayDataSource
getInputStream() - Method in interface ball.activation.DataSourceDefaultMethods
getInputStream() - Method in class ball.activation.FilterDataSource
getInputStream() - Method in class ball.activation.TempFileDataSource
getInputStream() - Method in class ball.text.TextTable
getInputStream(Class<?>...) - Method in interface ball.activation.DataSourceDefaultMethods
Method to "wrap" the InputStream returned by DataSourceDefaultMethods.getInputStream()into InputStream instances.
getInstance(Class<?>[], Object...) - Method in class ball.util.Factory
Method to get an Object instance.
getInstance(Object...) - Method in class ball.util.Factory
Method to get an Object instance.
getJavaFileManager(ProcessingEnvironment) - Static method in class ball.annotation.processing.Shims
Method to get the JavaFileManager from a ProcessingEnvironment.
getKey() - Method in class ball.util.ant.types.StringAttributeType
getMax() - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
getMaxX() - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
getMaxY() - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
getMethod(TypeElement, Method) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
Method to get an ExecutableElement for a Method prototype.
getMin() - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
getMinX() - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
getMinY() - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
getModel() - Method in class ball.text.TextTable
Method to get this TextTable's TableModel.
getModifiers(Class<?>) - Method in interface ball.lang.reflect.JavaLangReflectMethods
getModifiers(Member) - Method in interface ball.lang.reflect.JavaLangReflectMethods
getMustImplement() - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.AnnotatedNoAnnotationProcessor
getName() - Method in class ball.activation.AbstractDataSource
getName() - Method in class ball.activation.FilterDataSource
getName() - Method in class ball.tools.javac.AnnotatedJavacPlugin
getName() - Method in class ball.util.ant.types.StringAttributeType
getOutputStream() - Method in class ball.activation.ByteArrayDataSource
getOutputStream() - Method in interface ball.activation.DataSourceDefaultMethods
getOutputStream() - Method in class ball.activation.FilterDataSource
getOutputStream() - Method in class ball.activation.TempFileDataSource
getOutputStream(Class<?>...) - Method in interface ball.activation.DataSourceDefaultMethods
Method to "wrap" the OutputStream returned by DataSourceDefaultMethods.getOutputStream()into OutputStream instances.
getParameterTypes() - Method in enum ball.beans.PropertyMethodEnum
Method to get the prototype parameter types (Classes) for this method type.
getPrintStream() - Method in class ball.activation.ReaderWriterDataSource
Method to return a new PrintStream to write to the underlying OutputStream.
getPrintWriter() - Method in class ball.activation.ReaderWriterDataSource
Method to return a new PrintWriter to write to the underlying OutputStream.
getProperty() - Method in interface ball.util.ant.taskdefs.PropertySetterAntTask
getPropertyName(Method) - Static method in enum ball.beans.PropertyMethodEnum
Static method to get a property name from a Method name.
getPropertyName(String) - Method in enum ball.beans.PropertyMethodEnum
Method to get the property name from the argument method name.
getPropertyName(ExecutableElement) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
Method to get bean property name from an ExecutableElement.
getPropertyNames(TypeElement) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
Method to get the Set of bean property names for the specified TypeElement.
getPropertyValue() - Method in interface ball.util.ant.taskdefs.PropertySetterAntTask
Method to get the value to assign to the property.
getProxyClass(Class<?>...) - Method in class ball.lang.reflect.DefaultInvocationHandler
getProxyClassFor(Object) - Method in class ball.lang.reflect.FacadeProxyInvocationHandler
Method provided by subclasses to provide the Proxy Class if the input Object should be extended.
getProxyClassFor(Object) - Method in class ball.xml.FluentNode.InvocationHandler
Implementation provides Proxy class if Object implements Node with the corresponding FluentNode sub-interface(s).
getReader() - Method in class ball.activation.ReaderWriterDataSource
Method to return a new Reader to read the underlying InputStream.
getReturnType() - Method in enum ball.beans.PropertyMethodEnum
Method to get the prototype return type Class for this method type.
getRowCount() - Method in class ball.swing.table.AbstractTableModelImpl
getRowCount() - Method in class ball.swing.table.ArrayListTableModel
getRowCount() - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
getSupportedAnnotationTypeList() - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.AnnotatedProcessor
Method to get the List of supported Annotation Classes.
getSupportedAnnotationTypes() - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor
getSupportedAnnotationTypes() - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.AnnotatedNoAnnotationProcessor
getSupportedAnnotationTypes() - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.AnnotatedProcessor
getSupportedAnnotationTypes() - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.NoopProcessor
getSupportedOptions() - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor
getSupportedSourceVersion() - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor
getTableModelListeners() - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
getType() - Method in class ball.util.ant.types.TypedAttributeType
getType() - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
Method to get the value type of this CoordinateMap.
getType() - Method in class ball.util.Factory
Method to get the type (Class) of objects produced by this Factory.
getTypedValue() - Method in class ball.util.ant.types.TypedAttributeType
getTypedValue(ClassLoader) - Method in class ball.util.ant.types.TypedAttributeType
getTypeElementFor(Element, String) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
Method to get the TypeElement for a context Element.
getUnless() - Method in class ball.util.ant.types.OptionalTextType
getValue() - Method in class ball.util.ant.types.StringValueType
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class ball.swing.table.AbstractTableModelImpl
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class ball.swing.table.ArrayListTableModel
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
getValueAt(PropertyDescriptor, int) - Method in class ball.beans.PropertyDescriptorsTableModel
getValueAt(Object[], int) - Method in class ball.swing.table.SimpleTableModel
getValueAt(Object, int) - Method in class ball.swing.table.ListTableModel
getValueAt(Object, int) - Method in class ball.swing.table.MapsTableModel
getValueAt(Object, int) - Method in class ball.swing.table.MapTableModel
getValueAt(R, int) - Method in class ball.swing.table.ArrayListTableModel
Implementation method to retrieve a column value from a row object.
getWithModifiers() - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.AnnotatedNoAnnotationProcessor
getWithoutModifiers() - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.AnnotatedNoAnnotationProcessor
getWriter() - Method in class ball.activation.ReaderWriterDataSource
Method to return a new Writer to write to the underlying OutputStream.
getX() - Method in class ball.util.Coordinate
getY() - Method in class ball.util.Coordinate


h1(String) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
h1(Stream<Node>) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
h1(Node...) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
h2(String) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
h2(Stream<Node>) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
h2(Node...) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
h3(String) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
h3(Stream<Node>) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
h3(Node...) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
h4(String) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
h4(Stream<Node>) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
h4(Node...) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
h5(String) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
h5(Stream<Node>) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
h5(Node...) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
h6(String) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
h6(Stream<Node>) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
h6(Node...) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
hasFactoryMethodFor(Class<?>...) - Method in class ball.util.Factory
Method to determine if there is a factory Member (factory Method, static Method, or Constructor) to manufacture or get an Object.
hashCode() - Method in class ball.util.Coordinate
hasSameSignatureAs(CharSequence, Class<?>[]) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
hasSameSignatureAs(Executable) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
hasSameSignatureAs(List<TypeMirror>) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
header() - Method in class ball.swing.table.AbstractTableModelImpl
Convenience method to get the column names as an array.
headMap(Coordinate) - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
HTMLTemplates - Interface in ball.xml
Common HTML templates.


implementationOf(ExecutableElement, TypeElement) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
Method to return the ExecutableElement (Method) the argument ExecutableElement is overriden by (if any).
includes(Coordinate) - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
Method to determine if the Coordinate is included in this CoordinateMap's space.
init() - Method in interface ball.util.ant.taskdefs.ClasspathDelegateAntTask
Default implementation for Task subclasses.
init() - Method in interface ball.util.ant.taskdefs.ConfigurableAntTask
Default implementation for Task subclasses.
init() - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.PatternTask
init() - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.PreferencesTask
init() - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.ProcessClassFilesTask
init() - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.StreamTokenizerTask
init() - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.TypeTask
init() - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.XPathEvaluateTask
init(ProcessingEnvironment) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor
init(ProcessingEnvironment) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.AnnotatedNoAnnotationProcessor
init(ProcessingEnvironment) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.AnnotatedProcessor
init(ProcessingEnvironment) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.NoOverrideProcessor
init(ProcessingEnvironment) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.ObjectCloneProcessor
init(ProcessingEnvironment) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.ObjectToStringProcessor
initialize(CharSequence) - Method in interface ball.util.PatternMatcherBean
Method to initialize fields and methods annotated with MatcherGroup with the results of parsing the sequence argument.
instance - Variable in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.InstanceOfTask
INSTANCE - Static variable in class ball.io.BOMCharsetMap
Unmodifiable instance of BOMCharsetMap.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class ball.lang.PrimitiveTypeMap
Unmodifiable instance of a PrimitiveTypeMap.
InstanceOfTask - Class in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
Ant Task to get an instance of a specified Class.
InstanceOfTask() - Constructor for class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.InstanceOfTask
InterceptingInvocationHandler<T> - Class in ball.lang.reflect
"Intercepting" InvocationHandler implementation.
InterceptingInvocationHandler() - Constructor for class ball.lang.reflect.InterceptingInvocationHandler
InvocationHandler() - Constructor for class ball.xml.FluentNode.InvocationHandler
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in interface ball.lang.reflect.DefaultInterfaceMethodInvocationHandler
This method assumes method.isDefault() and will invoke Method directly.
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class ball.lang.reflect.DefaultInvocationHandler
If the method.isDefault(), that Method will be invoked directly.
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class ball.lang.reflect.FacadeProxyInvocationHandler
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class ball.lang.reflect.InterceptingInvocationHandler
Subclasses may declare methods with the same signature of a proxied interface method which will be invoked (as a sort of listener) before invoking the target method.
IS - ball.beans.PropertyMethodEnum
isActive(Project) - Method in class ball.util.ant.types.OptionalTextType
Method to determine if the "if" and "unless" tests have been satisfied.
isApplicable(Class<?>[], Class<?>...) - Static method in class ball.util.Factory
Method to determine if an argument of the specified types may be applied to a method or constructor with the specified parameters.
IsAssignableFrom() - Constructor for class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.TypeTask.IsAssignableFrom
isAssignableTo(Class<?>) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
isAssignableTo(Class<?>, Function<? super Element, TypeMirror>) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
isAssignableTo(TypeMirror) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
isAssignableTo(TypeMirror, Function<? super Element, TypeMirror>) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class ball.swing.table.AbstractTableModelImpl
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
isEmptyArray(AnnotationValue) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
Method to determine if an AnnotationValue is "empty": null or an empty array.
isGenerated(Element) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
Method to determine if an Element is "generated".
isGetterMethod(ExecutableElement) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
Method to determine if an ExecutableElement is a bean getter.
isNamespaceAware() - Method in class ball.xml.FluentDocument.Builder
isValidating() - Method in class ball.xml.FluentDocument.Builder
iterator() - Method in class ball.util.MapView.EntrySet


javac - Variable in class ball.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor
See JavacTask.instance(ProcessingEnvironment).
JavacPluginName - Annotation Type in ball.tools.javac
Annotation to mark Plugins with their name.
JavacPluginName.ProcessorImpl - Class in ball.tools.javac
Processor implementation.
JavaLangReflectMethods - Interface in ball.lang.reflect
JavaxLangModelUtilities - Class in ball.annotation.processing
Utility methods for Processor and Taglet implementations.
JavaxLangModelUtilities() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
JAXBDataSource - Class in ball.activation
ReaderWriterDataSource implementation to provide Marshaller marshalling and Unmarshaller unmarshalling services.
JAXBDataSource() - Constructor for class ball.activation.JAXBDataSource
No-argument constructor.
JAXBDataSource(Object) - Constructor for class ball.activation.JAXBDataSource
Construct and marshal the argument Object.
JAXBIndexProcessor - Class in ball.annotation.processing
Processor implementation to generate jaxb.index files from Classes annotated with JAXB annotations.
JAXBIndexProcessor() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.JAXBIndexProcessor


lastKey() - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
length() - Method in class ball.activation.ByteArrayDataSource
length() - Method in interface ball.activation.DataSourceDefaultMethods
Method to get the number of bytes stored in this DataSource.
length() - Method in class ball.activation.TempFileDataSource
li(String) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
li(Stream<Node>) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
li(Node...) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
list() - Method in class ball.swing.table.ArrayListTableModel
Method to access the underlying row List.
list(JavaFileManager) - Static method in interface ball.annotation.processing.ClassFileProcessor
Static method to get the list of Class file names that have been generated by the JavaFileManager.
ListOrderComparator<T> - Class in ball.util
ListOrderComparator(List<T>) - Constructor for class ball.util.ListOrderComparator
Construct a Comparator from the argument List.
ListOrderComparator(T...) - Constructor for class ball.util.ListOrderComparator
Construct a Comparator from the argument array.
ListTableModel - Class in ball.swing.table
List TableModel implementation.
ListTableModel(List<?>) - Constructor for class ball.swing.table.ListTableModel
ListTableModel(List<?>, String) - Constructor for class ball.swing.table.ListTableModel
load(InputStream) - Method in class ball.util.PropertiesImpl
load(Properties, InputStream) - Static method in class ball.util.PropertiesImpl
log() - Method in interface ball.util.ant.taskdefs.AntTaskLogMethods
Log an empty String.
log(int) - Method in interface ball.util.ant.taskdefs.AntTaskLogMethods
Log an empty String.
log(File, int, String) - Method in interface ball.util.ant.taskdefs.AntTaskLogMethods
log(String) - Method in interface ball.util.ant.taskdefs.AntTaskLogMethods
log(String, int) - Method in interface ball.util.ant.taskdefs.AntTaskLogMethods
log(String, Throwable, int) - Method in interface ball.util.ant.taskdefs.AntTaskLogMethods
log(Throwable, int) - Method in interface ball.util.ant.taskdefs.AntTaskLogMethods
log(Stream<String>) - Method in interface ball.util.ant.taskdefs.AntTaskLogMethods
log(Stream<String>, int) - Method in interface ball.util.ant.taskdefs.AntTaskLogMethods
log(TableModel) - Method in interface ball.util.ant.taskdefs.AntTaskLogMethods
log(TableModel, int) - Method in interface ball.util.ant.taskdefs.AntTaskLogMethods


Manifest - Class in ball.annotation
Annotations to generate a JAR META-INF/MANIFEST.MF.
Manifest.Attribute - Annotation Type in ball.annotation
Attribute name
Manifest.DependsOn - Annotation Type in ball.annotation
Manifest.DesignTimeOnly - Annotation Type in ball.annotation
Manifest.JavaBean - Annotation Type in ball.annotation
Manifest.MainClass - Annotation Type in ball.annotation
Manifest.Section - Annotation Type in ball.annotation
Package section
ManifestProcessor - Class in ball.annotation.processing
Processor implementation to scan Manifest Annotations and generate a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF.
ManifestProcessor() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.ManifestProcessor
map() - Method in class ball.swing.table.MapTableModel
Method to get the underlying Map.
map() - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
map() - Method in class ball.util.MapView
MapsTableModel - Class in ball.swing.table
Maps TableModel implementation.
MapsTableModel(Iterable<? extends Map<?, ?>>, int) - Constructor for class ball.swing.table.MapsTableModel
MapsTableModel(Iterable<? extends Map<?, ?>>, String...) - Constructor for class ball.swing.table.MapsTableModel
MapsTableModel(Iterator<? extends Map<?, ?>>, String...) - Constructor for class ball.swing.table.MapsTableModel
MapTableModel - Class in ball.swing.table
Map TableModel implementation.
MapTableModel(Map<?, ?>) - Constructor for class ball.swing.table.MapTableModel
MapTableModel(Map<?, ?>, int) - Constructor for class ball.swing.table.MapTableModel
MapTableModel(Map<?, ?>, String...) - Constructor for class ball.swing.table.MapTableModel
MapView<K,​V> - Class in ball.util
Map implementation base class to provide a view of a wrapped Map.
MapView(Map<K, V>) - Constructor for class ball.util.MapView
Sole constructor.
MapView.EntrySet - Class in ball.util
MapView.entrySet implementation class.
marshal(Object) - Method in class ball.activation.JAXBDataSource
Marshal the argument Object.
marshal(JAXBContext, Object) - Method in class ball.activation.JAXBDataSource
Marshal the argument Object.
matcher(CharSequence) - Method in interface ball.util.PatternMatcherBean
Method to get the Matcher for the argument input.
MatcherGroup - Annotation Type in ball.annotation
Annotation to mark a bean field or method with a Matcher group.
MatcherGroupProcessor - Class in ball.annotation.processing
Processor implementation to check MatcherGroup annotations.
MatcherGroupProcessor() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.MatcherGroupProcessor
Matches() - Constructor for class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.PatternTask.Matches
MembersOf() - Constructor for class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.TypeTask.MembersOf
method() - Method in annotation type ball.annotation.ConstantValueMustConvertTo
method() - Method in annotation type ball.annotation.processing.AnnotationValueMustConvertTo
modifiers(int) - Method in interface ball.lang.reflect.JavaLangReflectMethods
Method to generate modifiers for declaration() methods.
MustImplement - Annotation Type in ball.annotation.processing
Annotation to specify required super-Class criteria a Class must implement.
MustImplement.ProcessorImpl - Class in ball.annotation.processing
Processor implementation.


name() - Method in annotation type ball.annotation.processing.AnnotationValueMustConvertTo
name() - Method in interface ball.xml.FluentNode
named(CharSequence) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
nameOf(Charset) - Static method in class ball.activation.ReaderWriterDataSource
Convenience method to get the name of a Charset.
newDocument() - Method in class ball.xml.FluentDocument.Builder
newDocumentBuilder() - Method in class ball.xml.FluentDocumentBuilderFactory
newInstance() - Static method in class ball.xml.FluentDocumentBuilderFactory
newInstance(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class ball.xml.FluentDocumentBuilderFactory
newProxyInstance(Class<?>...) - Method in class ball.lang.reflect.DefaultInvocationHandler
NO - Static variable in interface ball.xml.XMLConstants
NODE_TYPE_MAP - Static variable in interface ball.xml.FluentNode
NoopProcessor - Class in ball.annotation.processing
No-op Processor to silence compilation warnings for 3rd-party Annotations that do not have a processor.
NoopProcessor() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.NoopProcessor
NoOverrideProcessor - Class in ball.annotation.processing
Processor implementation to identify overriding Methods that are not marked with the Override Annotation.
NoOverrideProcessor() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.NoOverrideProcessor
NotEmpty - Annotation Type in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
AntTaskAttributeConstraint annotation to indicate that an attribute cannot be an empty Collection.
NotEmpty.Checker - Class in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
NotNull - Annotation Type in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
AntTaskAttributeConstraint annotation to indicate that an attribute cannot be null.
NotNull.Checker - Class in ball.util.ant.taskdefs


ObjectCloneProcessor - Class in ball.annotation.processing
Processor implementation to check Object.clone() implementations to verify: The implementing Class also implements Cloneable The implementation throws CloneNotSupportedException (unless some "intravening" superclass' implementation does not) The implementation returns a subtype of the implementation type
ObjectCloneProcessor() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.ObjectCloneProcessor
ObjectToStringProcessor - Class in ball.annotation.processing
Processor implementation to check Classes to verify: The implementing Class also overrides Object.toString()
ObjectToStringProcessor() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.ObjectToStringProcessor
of(int, int, Predicate<List<T>>, Collection<T>) - Static method in interface ball.util.stream.Combinations
Method to get the Stream of combinations.
of(int, Collection<T>) - Static method in interface ball.util.stream.Combinations
Method to get the Stream of combinations.
of(Collection<T>) - Static method in interface ball.util.stream.Permutations
Method to get the Stream of permutations.
of(Predicate<List<T>>, Collection<T>) - Static method in interface ball.util.stream.Permutations
Method to get the Stream of permutations.
Of() - Constructor for class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.CombinationsTask.Of
Of() - Constructor for class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.PermutationsTask.Of
ol(Stream<Node>) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
ol(Node...) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
OptionalTextType - Class in ball.util.ant.types
Class to provide a String base text type for Ant Task implementations.
OptionalTextType() - Constructor for class ball.util.ant.types.OptionalTextType
orderedBy(List<T>) - Static method in class ball.util.Comparators
Static method to return a Comparator ordering members in the same order as the List.
overrides(ExecutableElement) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
Method to return the ExecutableElement (Method) the argument ExecutableElement overrides (if any).
overrides(ExecutableElement, ExecutableElement) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
Method to determine if a ExecutableElement (Method) overrides another ExecutableElement.
owner() - Method in interface ball.xml.FluentDocument
owner() - Method in interface ball.xml.FluentNode


p(String) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
p(Stream<Node>) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
p(Node...) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
parameters() - Method in annotation type ball.annotation.processing.TargetMustHaveConstructor
parameters(Parameter[]) - Method in interface ball.lang.reflect.JavaLangReflectMethods
Method to generate a Constructor or Method parameter declaration.
parse(InputSource) - Method in class ball.xml.FluentDocument.Builder
pattern() - Method in interface ball.util.PatternMatcherBean
Method to get the compiled Pattern for this annotated bean.
PatternMatcherBean - Interface in ball.util
Interface providing default methods for beans classes annotated with PatternRegex and whose methods are annotated with MatcherGroup.
PatternRegex - Annotation Type in ball.annotation
Annotation to mark a type with a Pattern regex.
PatternRegexProcessor - Class in ball.annotation.processing
Processor implementation to check PatternRegex annotations.
PatternRegexProcessor() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.PatternRegexProcessor
PatternTask - Class in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
Abstract Ant Task base class for Pattern-specific tasks.
PatternTask() - Constructor for class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.PatternTask
PatternTask.Matches - Class in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
PatternTask.Split - Class in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
Permutations<T> - Interface in ball.util.stream
Stream implementaion that provides all permutations of a List.
PermutationsTask - Class in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
Abstract Ant Task to analyze Permutations of a Collection.
PermutationsTask() - Constructor for class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.PermutationsTask
PermutationsTask.Count - Class in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
PermutationsTask.Of - Class in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
Ant Task to show the Permutations.
pre(String) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
pre(String, String) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
<pre lang="lang">content</pre>
PreferencesTask - Class in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
Abstract Ant Task base class for Preferences-specific tasks.
PreferencesTask() - Constructor for class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.PreferencesTask
PreferencesTask.Export - Class in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
PrimitiveTypeMap - Class in ball.lang
Provides mapping of Java primitive Classes to their "wrapper" Classes.
PrimitiveTypeMap() - Constructor for class ball.lang.PrimitiveTypeMap
Sole constructor.
print(Diagnostic.Kind, String, Object...) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor
Method to print a diagnostic message.
print(Diagnostic.Kind, Throwable) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor
Method to print a Throwable.
print(Diagnostic.Kind, Element, String, Object...) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor
Method to print a diagnostic message.
print(Diagnostic.Kind, Element, AnnotationMirror, String, Object...) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor
Method to print a diagnostic message.
print(Diagnostic.Kind, Element, AnnotationMirror, AnnotationValue, String, Object...) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor
Method to print a diagnostic message.
process(Set<? extends TypeElement>, RoundEnvironment) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor
process(Set<? extends TypeElement>, RoundEnvironment) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.AnnotatedNoAnnotationProcessor
process(Set<? extends TypeElement>, RoundEnvironment) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.AnnotatedProcessor
process(Set<? extends TypeElement>, RoundEnvironment) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.NoopProcessor
process(Set<Class<?>>, JavaFileManager) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.AntLibProcessor
process(Set<Class<?>>, JavaFileManager) - Method in interface ball.annotation.processing.ClassFileProcessor
Processor alternate entry point.
process(Set<Class<?>>, JavaFileManager) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JAXBIndexProcessor
process(Set<Class<?>>, JavaFileManager) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.ManifestProcessor
process(Set<Class<?>>, JavaFileManager) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.ServiceProviderForProcessor
process(RoundEnvironment, Element) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.AnnotatedNoAnnotationProcessor
Method to process each Element.
process(RoundEnvironment, Element) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.NoOverrideProcessor
process(RoundEnvironment, Element) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.ObjectCloneProcessor
process(RoundEnvironment, Element) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.ObjectToStringProcessor
process(RoundEnvironment, Element) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.SerializableProcessor
process(RoundEnvironment, TypeElement, Element) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.AnnotatedProcessor
Callback method to process an annotated Element.
process(RoundEnvironment, TypeElement, Element) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.AntTaskAttributeConstraintProcessor
process(RoundEnvironment, TypeElement, Element) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.AntTaskProcessor
process(RoundEnvironment, TypeElement, Element) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.CompileTimeCheckProcessor
process(RoundEnvironment, TypeElement, Element) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.ConstantValueMustConvertToProcessor
process(RoundEnvironment, TypeElement, Element) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.ConstructorPropertiesProcessor
process(RoundEnvironment, TypeElement, Element) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.For.ProcessorImpl
process(RoundEnvironment, TypeElement, Element) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.ForElementKinds.ProcessorImpl
process(RoundEnvironment, TypeElement, Element) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.ForSubclassesOf.ProcessorImpl
process(RoundEnvironment, TypeElement, Element) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.ManifestProcessor
process(RoundEnvironment, TypeElement, Element) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.MatcherGroupProcessor
process(RoundEnvironment, TypeElement, Element) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.MustImplement.ProcessorImpl
process(RoundEnvironment, TypeElement, Element) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.ServiceProviderForProcessor
process(RoundEnvironment, TypeElement, Element) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.TargetMustHaveModifiers.ProcessorImpl
process(RoundEnvironment, TypeElement, Element) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.TargetMustNotHaveModifiers.ProcessorImpl
process(RoundEnvironment, TypeElement, Element) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.WithModifiers.ProcessorImpl
process(RoundEnvironment, TypeElement, Element) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.WithoutModifiers.ProcessorImpl
process(RoundEnvironment, TypeElement, Element) - Method in class ball.tools.javac.JavacPluginName.ProcessorImpl
ProcessClassFilesTask - Class in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
Ant Task to bootstrap Processors.
ProcessClassFilesTask() - Constructor for class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.ProcessClassFilesTask
ProcessorImpl() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.AnnotationValueMustConvertTo.ProcessorImpl
ProcessorImpl() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.For.ProcessorImpl
ProcessorImpl() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.ForElementKinds.ProcessorImpl
ProcessorImpl() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.ForSubclassesOf.ProcessorImpl
ProcessorImpl() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.MustImplement.ProcessorImpl
ProcessorImpl() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.TargetMustBe.ProcessorImpl
ProcessorImpl() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.TargetMustExtend.ProcessorImpl
ProcessorImpl() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.TargetMustHaveConstructor.ProcessorImpl
ProcessorImpl() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.TargetMustHaveModifiers.ProcessorImpl
ProcessorImpl() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.TargetMustNotHaveModifiers.ProcessorImpl
ProcessorImpl() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.WithModifiers.ProcessorImpl
ProcessorImpl() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.WithoutModifiers.ProcessorImpl
ProcessorImpl() - Constructor for class ball.tools.javac.JavacPluginName.ProcessorImpl
PropertiesImpl - Class in ball.util
Properties implementation that overrides PropertiesImpl.load(InputStream) and PropertiesImpl.store(OutputStream,String) methods to specify the Charset (as UTF-8).
PropertiesImpl() - Constructor for class ball.util.PropertiesImpl
PropertiesImpl(Properties) - Constructor for class ball.util.PropertiesImpl
PropertiesImpl(Properties, File) - Constructor for class ball.util.PropertiesImpl
PropertiesImpl(Properties, String) - Constructor for class ball.util.PropertiesImpl
PropertyDescriptorsTableModel - Class in ball.beans
BeanInfo properties TableModel implementation.
PropertyDescriptorsTableModel(PropertyDescriptor[]) - Constructor for class ball.beans.PropertyDescriptorsTableModel
Sole constructor.
PropertyMethodEnum - Enum in ball.beans
Bean property method Enum type.
PropertySetterAntTask - Interface in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
Interface to provide common default methods for Tasks that may assign property values.
put(Coordinate, V) - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
put(Number, Number, V) - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
put(K, V) - Method in class ball.util.MapView


range(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class ball.util.Coordinate
Static method to return a SortedSet of Coordinates specified by the parameters.
range(Coordinate, Coordinate) - Static method in class ball.util.Coordinate
Static method to return a SortedSet of Coordinates specified by the parameters.
ReaderWriterDataSource - Class in ball.activation
DataSource implementation that provides a BufferedReader wrapping the DataSource InputStream and a PrintWriter wrapping the DataSource OutputStream.
ReaderWriterDataSource(String, String) - Constructor for class ball.activation.ReaderWriterDataSource
ReaderWriterDataSource(String, String, Charset) - Constructor for class ball.activation.ReaderWriterDataSource
ReaderWriterDataSource(String, String, Charset, String) - Constructor for class ball.activation.ReaderWriterDataSource
remove(Object) - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
remove(Object) - Method in class ball.util.MapView.EntrySet
remove(Object) - Method in class ball.util.MapView
removeTableModelListener(TableModelListener) - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
render() - Method in class ball.text.TextTable
Method to render the TextTable.
resize(Number, Number) - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
Method to specify new limits for the CoordinateMap with [y0, x0] = [0, 0].
resize(Number, Number, Number, Number) - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
Method to specify new limits for the CoordinateMap.
ResourcePathTo() - Constructor for class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.TypeTask.ResourcePathTo
row(int) - Method in class ball.swing.table.AbstractTableModelImpl
Convenience method to get a row's values as an array.
row(Number) - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
Method to get the List representing the specified row backed by the CoordinateMap.
row(Object...) - Method in class ball.swing.table.SimpleTableModel
Convenience method to add a new row.
rows() - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
Method to get a List of rows (see CoordinateMap.row(Number)).


sealed() - Method in annotation type ball.annotation.Manifest.Section
SerializableProcessor - Class in ball.annotation.processing
Processor implementation to check subclasses of Serializable to verify a serialVersionUID field has been defined.
SerializableProcessor() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.SerializableProcessor
ServiceProviderFor - Annotation Type in ball.annotation
Annotation to mark service providers.
ServiceProviderForProcessor - Class in ball.annotation.processing
Processor implementation to check Classes annotated with ServiceProviderFor to verify the annotated Class: Is concrete Has a public no-argument constructor Implements the Classes specified by ServiceProviderFor.value() or implements Java 9's java.util.ServiceLoader.Provider public static T provider() method.
ServiceProviderForProcessor() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.ServiceProviderForProcessor
SET - ball.beans.PropertyMethodEnum
setArgument(String) - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.InstanceOfTask
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class ball.xml.FluentDocumentBuilderFactory
setClassname(String) - Method in interface ball.util.ant.taskdefs.ClasspathDelegateAntTask
setClassname(String) - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.TypeTask
setClasspathref(Reference) - Method in interface ball.util.ant.taskdefs.ClasspathDelegateAntTask
setColumnClass(int, Class<?>) - Method in class ball.swing.table.AbstractTableModelImpl
setColumnName(int, String) - Method in class ball.swing.table.AbstractTableModelImpl
setContentType(String) - Method in class ball.activation.AbstractDataSource
setContentType(String) - Method in interface ball.activation.DataSourceDefaultMethods
setContentType(String) - Method in class ball.activation.FilterDataSource
setEntityResolver(EntityResolver) - Method in class ball.xml.FluentDocument.Builder
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler) - Method in class ball.xml.FluentDocument.Builder
setFeature(String, boolean) - Method in class ball.xml.FluentDocumentBuilderFactory
setIf(String) - Method in class ball.util.ant.types.OptionalTextType
Sets the "if" condition to test on execution.
setName(String) - Method in class ball.activation.AbstractDataSource
setName(String) - Method in interface ball.activation.DataSourceDefaultMethods
setName(String) - Method in class ball.activation.FilterDataSource
setName(String) - Method in class ball.util.ant.types.StringAttributeType
setProperty(String) - Method in interface ball.util.ant.taskdefs.PropertySetterAntTask
setQname(String) - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.XPathEvaluateTask
setSrcdir(Path) - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.ProcessClassFilesTask
setType(String) - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.PreferencesTask
setType(String) - Method in class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.TypeTask
setType(String) - Method in class ball.util.ant.types.TypedAttributeType
setUnless(String) - Method in class ball.util.ant.types.OptionalTextType
Sets the "unless" condition to test on execution.
setValue(String) - Method in class ball.util.ant.types.StringValueType
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class ball.swing.table.AbstractTableModelImpl
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class ball.swing.ClosedFutureJFrame
Shims - Class in ball.annotation.processing
JDK 8, 9, and 10-specific methods for AbstractProcessor.
Shims() - Constructor for class ball.annotation.processing.Shims
signature(Executable) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
Method to generate the application signature of an Executable.
signature(ExecutableElement) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
Method to generate the application signature of an ExecutableElement.
SimpleTableModel - Class in ball.swing.table
Simple TableModel implementation.
SimpleTableModel(Object[][], int) - Constructor for class ball.swing.table.SimpleTableModel
SimpleTableModel(Object[][], String...) - Constructor for class ball.swing.table.SimpleTableModel
size(int) - Method in class ball.util.stream.Combinations.SpliteratorSupplier
specifiedBy(ExecutableElement) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
Method to return the ExecutableElement (Method) the argument ExecutableElement is specified by (if any).
Split() - Constructor for class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.PatternTask.Split
spliterators() - Method in class ball.util.DispatchSpliterator
Method to provide the Spliterator Suppliers.
SpliteratorSupplier() - Constructor for class ball.util.stream.Combinations.SpliteratorSupplier
started(TaskEvent) - Method in class ball.tools.javac.AbstractTaskListener
store(OutputStream, String) - Method in class ball.util.PropertiesImpl
store(Properties, OutputStream, String) - Static method in class ball.util.PropertiesImpl
stream() - Method in class ball.util.stream.Combinations.SpliteratorSupplier
StreamTokenizerTask - Class in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
Abstract Ant Task base class for StreamTokenizer-specific tasks.
StreamTokenizerTask() - Constructor for class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.StreamTokenizerTask
StreamTokenizerTask.FromString - Class in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
StringAttributeType - Class in ball.util.ant.types
Class to provide a String name-value (attribute) for Ant Task implementations.
StringAttributeType() - Constructor for class ball.util.ant.types.StringAttributeType
No-argument constructor.
StringAttributeType(String) - Constructor for class ball.util.ant.types.StringAttributeType
StringValueType - Class in ball.util.ant.types
Class to provide a String value type for Ant Task implementations.
StringValueType() - Constructor for class ball.util.ant.types.StringValueType
No-argument constructor.
StringValueType(String) - Constructor for class ball.util.ant.types.StringValueType
subMap(Coordinate, Coordinate) - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
subMap(Number, Number, Number, Number) - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
Method to get a sub-Map of this Map also backed by this Map.
SuperclassesOf() - Constructor for class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.TypeTask.SuperclassesOf


table(Stream<Node>) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
table(Node...) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
tableChanged(TableModelEvent) - Method in class ball.swing.table.AbstractTableModelImpl
tableChanged(TableModelEvent) - Method in class ball.swing.table.ListTableModel
tableChanged(TableModelEvent) - Method in class ball.swing.table.MapTableModel
tailMap(Coordinate) - Method in class ball.util.CoordinateMap
TargetMustBe - Annotation Type in ball.annotation.processing
Annotation to test an Annotated element is a specific kind.
TargetMustBe.ProcessorImpl - Class in ball.annotation.processing
Processor implementation.
TargetMustExtend - Annotation Type in ball.annotation.processing
Annotation to specify required super-Class criteria an annotated Class must extend.
TargetMustExtend.ProcessorImpl - Class in ball.annotation.processing
Processor implementation.
TargetMustHaveConstructor - Annotation Type in ball.annotation.processing
Annotation to specify annotated Class must have a corresponding constructor.
TargetMustHaveConstructor.ProcessorImpl - Class in ball.annotation.processing
Processor implementation.
TargetMustHaveModifiers - Annotation Type in ball.annotation.processing
Annotation to specify Modifiers an annotated Element must extend.
TargetMustHaveModifiers.ProcessorImpl - Class in ball.annotation.processing
Processor implementation.
TargetMustNotHaveModifiers - Annotation Type in ball.annotation.processing
Annotation to specify Modifiers an annotated Element must extend.
TargetMustNotHaveModifiers.ProcessorImpl - Class in ball.annotation.processing
Processor implementation.
tbody(Stream<Node>) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
tbody(Node...) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
td(String) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
td(Node) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
TempFileDataSource - Class in ball.activation
DataSource backed by a temporary File and based on FileInputStream and FileOutputStream.
TempFileDataSource(String) - Constructor for class ball.activation.TempFileDataSource
TempFileDataSource(String, String, File, String) - Constructor for class ball.activation.TempFileDataSource
text(String) - Method in interface ball.xml.FluentNode
Create a Text Node.
text(String) - Method in interface ball.xml.XMLServices
TEXT_HTML - Static variable in interface ball.activation.DataSourceDefaultMethods
RFC2045 "text/html"
TEXT_PLAIN - Static variable in interface ball.activation.DataSourceDefaultMethods
RFC2045 "text/plain"
TextTable - Class in ball.text
Text-based JTable implementation.
TextTable(TableModel, int...) - Constructor for class ball.text.TextTable
Sole constructor.
tfoot(Stream<Node>) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
tfoot(Node...) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
th(String) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
th(Node) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
thead(Stream<Node>) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
thead(Node...) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
ThrowableDataSource - Class in ball.activation
ThrowableDataSource(Throwable) - Constructor for class ball.activation.ThrowableDataSource
Sole constructor.
toEnumSet(E[]) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
toModifiers(Set<Modifier>) - Static method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
Method to get the java.lang.reflect.Modifier flags for a Set of Modifiers.
toString() - Method in class ball.activation.ReaderWriterDataSource
toString() - Method in class ball.io.BOMCharsetMap
toString() - Method in class ball.io.UnicodeReader
toString() - Method in class ball.util.ant.types.StringAttributeType
toString() - Method in class ball.util.ant.types.StringValueType
toString() - Method in class ball.util.Coordinate
tr(Stream<Node>) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
tr(Node...) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
translate(Coordinate) - Method in class ball.util.Coordinate
Method to getthe Coordinate relative to this Coordinate.
translate(Number, Number) - Method in class ball.util.Coordinate
Method to get the Coordinate relative to this Coordinate.
tryAdvance(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in class ball.util.DispatchSpliterator
tryAdvance(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in class ball.util.Walker
trySplit() - Method in class ball.util.DispatchSpliterator
trySplit() - Method in class ball.util.Walker
type(ParameterizedType) - Method in interface ball.lang.reflect.JavaLangReflectMethods
Method to generate types for declaration() methods.
type(Type) - Method in interface ball.lang.reflect.JavaLangReflectMethods
Method to generate types for declaration() methods.
TypedAttributeType - Class in ball.util.ant.types
Class to provide a typed name-value (attribute) for Ant Task implementations.
TypedAttributeType() - Constructor for class ball.util.ant.types.TypedAttributeType
No-argument constructor.
TypedAttributeType(String) - Constructor for class ball.util.ant.types.TypedAttributeType
types - Variable in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
typesOf(Object...) - Static method in class ball.util.Factory
Convenience method to get the types of an argument array.
TypeTask - Class in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
Abstract Ant Task to specify a type (Class).
TypeTask() - Constructor for class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.TypeTask
TypeTask.BeanInfoFor - Class in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
Ant Task to display BeanInfo for a specified Class.
TypeTask.IsAssignableFrom - Class in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
Ant Task to display superclasses of a specified Class.
TypeTask.MembersOf - Class in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
Ant Task to display members of a specified Class.
TypeTask.ResourcePathTo - Class in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
Ant Task to display resource path to a specified Class.
TypeTask.SuperclassesOf - Class in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
Ant Task to display superclasses of a specified Class.


u(String) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
u(Node) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
ul(Stream<Node>) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
ul(Node...) - Method in interface ball.xml.HTMLTemplates
UnicodeReader - Class in ball.io
BufferedReader implementation which analyzes the underlying InputStream for byte order marks and selects the appropriate Charset.
UnicodeReader(File) - Constructor for class ball.io.UnicodeReader
UnicodeReader(InputStream) - Constructor for class ball.io.UnicodeReader
unmarshal(Class<? extends T>) - Method in class ball.activation.JAXBDataSource
Unmarshal the argument Object.
unmarshal(JAXBContext, Class<? extends T>) - Method in class ball.activation.JAXBDataSource
Unmarshal the argument Object.


value() - Method in annotation type ball.annotation.ConstantValueMustConvertTo
value() - Method in annotation type ball.annotation.Manifest.Attribute
value() - Method in annotation type ball.annotation.Manifest.DependsOn
value() - Method in annotation type ball.annotation.Manifest.DesignTimeOnly
value() - Method in annotation type ball.annotation.MatcherGroup
value() - Method in annotation type ball.annotation.PatternRegex
value() - Method in annotation type ball.annotation.processing.AnnotationValueMustConvertTo
value() - Method in annotation type ball.annotation.processing.For
value() - Method in annotation type ball.annotation.processing.ForElementKinds
value() - Method in annotation type ball.annotation.processing.ForSubclassesOf
value() - Method in annotation type ball.annotation.processing.MustImplement
value() - Method in annotation type ball.annotation.processing.TargetMustBe
value() - Method in annotation type ball.annotation.processing.TargetMustExtend
value() - Method in annotation type ball.annotation.processing.TargetMustHaveConstructor
value() - Method in annotation type ball.annotation.processing.TargetMustHaveModifiers
value() - Method in annotation type ball.annotation.processing.TargetMustNotHaveModifiers
value() - Method in annotation type ball.annotation.processing.WithModifiers
value() - Method in annotation type ball.annotation.processing.WithoutModifiers
value() - Method in annotation type ball.annotation.ServiceProviderFor
value() - Method in annotation type ball.tools.javac.JavacPluginName
value() - Method in annotation type ball.util.ant.taskdefs.AntTask
value() - Method in annotation type ball.util.ant.taskdefs.AntTaskAttributeConstraint
value() - Method in interface ball.xml.FluentNode
value(String) - Method in interface ball.xml.FluentNode
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ball.beans.PropertyMethodEnum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum ball.beans.PropertyMethodEnum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


walk(Collection<? extends T>, Function<? super T, Collection<? extends T>>) - Static method in class ball.util.Walker
Entry-point to create a Stream for traversing a tree of type <T> nodes.
walk(T, Function<? super T, Collection<? extends T>>) - Static method in class ball.util.Walker
Entry-point to create a Stream for traversing a tree of type <T> nodes.
Walker<T> - Class in ball.util
Spliterator implemenation to build Streams to walk a tree of <T> nodes.
whenAnnotationProcessingFinished() - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor
Callback method to signal TaskEvent.Kind.ANNOTATION_PROCESSING is finished.
whenAnnotationProcessingFinished() - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.CompileTimeCheckProcessor
whenAnnotationProcessingFinished() - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.SerializableProcessor
with(Set<E>, Function<Element, Collection<E>>) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
within(Coordinate, Coordinate) - Method in class ball.util.Coordinate
Method to determine if this Coordinate is within the area described by the argument Coordinates.
withModifiers(Set<Modifier>) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
withModifiers(Modifier...) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
WithModifiers - Annotation Type in ball.annotation.processing
AnnotatedNoAnnotationProcessor Annotation to specify Modifiers that should be present on the target.
WithModifiers.ProcessorImpl - Class in ball.annotation.processing
Processor implementation.
without(Set<E>, Function<Element, Collection<E>>) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
withoutModifiers(Set<Modifier>) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
withoutModifiers(Modifier...) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
WithoutModifiers - Annotation Type in ball.annotation.processing
AnnotatedNoAnnotationProcessor Annotation to specify Modifiers that should be absent from the target.
WithoutModifiers.ProcessorImpl - Class in ball.annotation.processing
Processor implementation.
withParameters(Class<?>[]) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
withParameters(List<TypeMirror>) - Method in class ball.annotation.processing.JavaxLangModelUtilities
wrap(InputStream, Class<?>...) - Method in interface ball.activation.DataSourceDefaultMethods
Method to "wrap" an InputStream into InputStream instances.
wrap(OutputStream, Class<?>...) - Method in interface ball.activation.DataSourceDefaultMethods
Method to "wrap" an OutputStream into OutputStream instances.
writeTo(PrintWriter) - Method in class ball.activation.ReaderWriterDataSource
Method to write the contents of this DataSource to a PrintWriter.


XALAN_INDENT_AMOUNT - Static variable in interface ball.xml.XalanConstants
Transformer output property name.
XalanConstants - Interface in ball.xml
Xalan Constants.
XMLConstants - Interface in ball.xml
XML Constants.
XMLServices - Interface in ball.xml
Common XML services.
XPathEvaluateTask - Class in ball.util.ant.taskdefs
Ant Task to test XPath expressions.
XPathEvaluateTask() - Constructor for class ball.util.ant.taskdefs.XPathEvaluateTask


YES - Static variable in interface ball.xml.XMLConstants
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